Explanation for Thesis Embargo Application

publish date : 2018-08-17 update date : 2023-09-08

Application Form

This form should be filled out if the applicant wishes to request a temporary delay of the public release of his or her thesis or dissertation.

  1. Ming Chi University of Technology Application for Embargo of Thesis/Dissertation (Professional Practice Report)
  2. National Central Library Application for Embargo of Thesis/Dissertation


Reason for embargo

(In Compliance with Degree Conferral Act of R.O.C.) 

  1. Contains information pertaining to the secret. 
  2. Filing for patent registration. 
  3. Withheld according to the law.

Please submit supporting documents and the application form , which has been signed by Advisor and Department Chair/ Program Director and approved by Department-Level Committee, to thelibrary.


Organizer: Library