Topic 1 : Borrowing books and other materials 流通借閱 |
Q1 |
英文 |
Q1: How many books can I borrow at one time? |
A1: Each undergraduate student, graduate student, doctoral student, teacher or employee of the school may borrow up to 20 books at one time. |
中文 |
Q1:我一次最多可以借閱幾本書 ? |
A1:大學部學生、研究所及博士班學生和教職員一次最多可借20本書 |
Q2 |
英文 |
Q2: How do I renew a book that I've borrowed? |
A2: 1.You may go online to renew a book (not DVDs) prior to the due date. 2.Please visit the library catalog webpage and log in with your account number (Student ID card number or Employee number) and password. You may renew the book once online. 3.You may not renew the book again if the book is overdue or has already been reserved by another person. 4.To renew the same book for a third time, please complete the procedure at the library counter. |
中文 |
Q2:我要如何上網續借圖書? |
A2: 1.圖書到期日前可上網自行續借圖書一次(DVD除外)。 2.請到館藏查詢網頁,登錄自己帳號(學生證號或員工編號),密碼,即可上網續借一次。 3.如果此書已逾期或已被他人預約則無法續借。 4.第二次續借需要到圖書館櫃台親自辦理。 |
Q3 |
英文 |
Q3: How do I reserve a book that has been borrowed by someone else? |
A3: 1.The status of the book is indicated as "borrowed." 2.Click "one item reservation," log in with your account number (Student ID card number or Employee number) and password, and then reserve the book. |
中文 |
Q3:我要如何上網預約已被外借圖書? |
A3: 1.該圖書流通狀態需為外借中。 2.點選”單筆預約”,登錄自己帳號(學生證號或員工編號),密碼預約。 |
Q4 |
英文 |
Q4: How can I see a list of the books that I have borrowed? |
A4: Please visit the library catalog webpage and log in with your account number (Student ID card number or Employee number) and password |
中文 |
Q4:我要如何查看自己外借圖書清單? |
A4:請到館藏查詢網頁,登錄自己帳號(學生證號或員工編號),密碼。 |
Q5 |
英文 |
Q5: How are overdue fines calculated? |
A5: The overdue fine for one book per day is NT$5. You have to return the overdue book to the counter and pay the fine before borrowing more books. |
中文 |
Q5:借書逾期罰款是如何計算的? |
A5:每件圖書到期一天罰款五元請到櫃台歸還圖書並繳清罰款才能繼續借書。 |
Q6 |
英文 |
Q6: How do I borrow attachments to books and audio-visual materials, such as DVDs? |
A6: 1.You may borrow attachments to books at the counter on the fourth floor. 2.Please check the barcode of the audio-visual materials (DVDs) and borrow the material at the counter on the fourth floor. |
中文 |
Q6:我要如何借閱圖書附件與視聽資料 DVD? |
A6: 1.圖書附件請洽四樓櫃檯借用。 2.視聽資料 DVD請查閱條碼號,到四樓櫃檯借用。 |
Q7 |
英文 |
Q7: How can I recommend a book to the library? |
A7: Please visit the library catalog webpage and log in with your account. Then recommend the book you wish to read. |
中文 |
Q7:我要如何上網推薦圖書? |
A7:請上圖書館館藏查詢網站登錄帳密後推薦你要閱讀的書籍。 |
Q8 |
英文 |
Q8: Can I borrow books currently on display? |
A8: Please visit the library webpage and click on the “New Arrivals: Journal, Book and DVD”page under the Circulation Service page. |
中文 |
Q8: 主題書展中的圖書可以外借嗎? |
A8: 展示中的圖書可以外借,如須借閱,請至流通櫃台辦理。 |
Q9 |
Q9: Does the library have a water fountain? |
A9: The Library has water fountains on the 5th, 6th and 7th floors. |
中文 |
Q9: 圖書館有提供飲水機嗎? |
A9:圖書館在5樓、6樓7樓皆設有飲水機。 |