【Forwarded Message】The Department of Digital Development will hold 8 sessions of "Accessible Website Training Course" from November 15th. Please refer to the attached brochure and sign up representatives to participate.

publish date : 2023-10-04 update date : 2023-10-12

三、參加對象以各機關網站之設計規劃、內容維運管理等人員為主 ,每一機關含廠商報名以 2人為原則,將於每場次課程前 2日以電子郵件個別通知錄取人員參訓,參加者可登錄公務人員終身學習時數6小時。
四、本次培訓課程為免費參加,採網路報名方式,請逕至無障礙網路空間服務網 (https://accessibility.moda.gov.tw/ )活動資訊項下報名。

一. In accordance with the letter No. 11240015181 issued by the Department of Digital Development on September 25th, 2023 (see attachment).
二. To familiarize website maintenance personnel with accessible website design and testing methods, understand the precautions for website maintenance and management, and continuously implement the requirements of website accessibility standards, the Department of Digital Development will hold 8 sessions of "Accessible Website Training Course" from November 15th to December 6th, 2023 (please refer to the course brochure for specific session times). The course will be conducted online and will cover practical development of accessible website design, sharing of actual case studies on website accessibility standards, and the Freego software testing tool.
三. The target participants are mainly personnel involved in the design planning and content maintenance management of each agency's website. Each agency and vendor can sign up 2 representatives as a principle. The selected participants will be notified individually via email 2 days before each session. Participants can log in 6 hours of lifelong learning hours for public servants.
四. This training course is free to attend and accepts online registration. Please register under the event information section of the "Accessible Web Space Service Website" (https://accessibility.moda.gov.tw/).
五. For registration information and related inquiries, please contact Ms. Lai from the Information Software Association of the Republic of China at telephone number (02)2553-3988 ext. 317 or email address accessibility@cisanet.org.tw.

Organizer: Library