【Forwarded Message】The Department of Digital Development will hold 6 sessions of "Accessibility Standards Promotion Seminar for Websites and Mobile Applications" starting from October 20th, 2023.

publish date : 2023-10-03 update date : 2023-10-12
  1. 依數位發展部112年9月25日數位政府決字第1124001518號函(如附件)辦理。
  2. 依據身心障礙者權益保障法第五十二條之二規定,各級政府及其附屬機關(構)、學校所建置之網站,應通過第一優先等級以上之無障礙檢測,並取得認證標章;身心障礙者權利公約(CRPD)第二次國家報告國際審查結論性意見,亦提出應確保行動化應用軟體(APP)符合無障礙。
  3. 為協助各機關對於網站及行動化應用軟體無障礙相關推動作業之瞭解,數位發展部自112年10月20日起至10月26日間辦理6場次「網站與行動化應用軟體無障礙規範推廣說明會」(各場次時間詳見說明會簡章),採線上會議方式,將介紹無障礙認證標章申請作業與注意事項、行動化應用軟體無障礙檢測作業與注意事項、及本部刻正研擬之「行政院與其所屬機關(構)學校網站及行動化應用軟體無障礙設計管理規範」(草案)。
  4. 參加對象以各機關網站與行動化應用軟體之業務承辦人及其協力資訊廠商為主 ,每一機關含廠商報名以 3人為原則,將於每場次說明會前 2日以電子郵件個別通知錄取人員參加,參加者可登錄公務人員終身學習時數3小時。
  5. 本說明會為免費參加,採網路報名方式,請逕至無障礙網路空間服務網 (https://accessibility.moda.gov.tw/ )活動資訊項下報名。
  6. 報名資訊及相關問題諮詢,請逕洽「中華民國資訊軟體協會-盧先生,電話:(02)2553-3988分機812、電子郵件信箱:hannibal.lu@cisanet.org.tw」。

  1. In accordance with the letter No. 1124001518 issued by the Department of Digital Development on September 25th, 2023 (attached herewith).
  2. According to Article 52-2 of the Act Governing the Rights and Interests of Persons with Disabilities, websites built by all levels of government, its affiliated agencies and institutions, and schools shall undergo accessibility testing of level AA or above and obtain certification marks. The concluding observations of the second national report on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) also proposed that mobile applications (APPs) should be made accessible.
  3. To assist government agencies in promoting accessibility-related initiatives for websites and mobile applications, the Department of Digital Development will hold six sessions of "Accessibility Standards Promotion Seminar for Websites and Mobile Applications" from October 20th to October 26th, 2023 (please refer to the attached brochure for each session's schedule). The seminar will be conducted online and will cover topics such as application procedures and precautions for obtaining accessibility certification marks, accessibility testing procedures and precautions for mobile applications, and the "Guidelines for Design and Management of Accessible Websites and Mobile Applications for Government Agencies and Schools" (draft) currently being developed by the department.
  4. The target audience is mainly business handlers and their cooperating information vendors responsible for government agency websites and mobile applications. Each agency can register up to three participants including vendors. Accepted participants will be notified by email two days before the seminar. Participants can receive three hours of lifelong learning hours for civil servants.
  5. The seminar is free of charge and registration can be completed online through the "Accessible Web Service Website" (https://accessibility.moda.gov.tw/) under the "Events" section.
  6. For registration information and related inquiries, please contact Mr. Lu from the Information Software Association of Taiwan at telephone number (02)2553-3988 ext. 812 or email hannibal.lu@cisanet.org.tw.
Organizer: Library