
發佈日期 : 2023-11-01 最後更新日期 : 2023-12-05






  1. 校史大事記 
  2. 我在明志的青春歲月
  3. 明志現況
  4. 展望未來
  5. 打卡許願牆








  1. 到特展的打卡點拍照
  2. 掃碼進入特展輸出專區
  3. 選擇邊框拍貼機輸出照片
  4. 直接留存電子檔或是印出照片






Dear all,


The Ming Chi University 60th Anniversary Exhibition - " Cloister of Time" will be held from November 4th to November 18th, 2023, outside the Lecture Halll  on the first floor of the Innovation Building. We cordially invite all teachers and students to participate!


The exhibition is divided into five main sections:


1. History of Our School

2. My Youthful Days at Ming Chi

3. Current State of Ming Chi

4. Looking Towards the Future

5.  Wishing Wall


Additionally, for preserving beautiful memories , on the day of the anniversary, November 11th, we will provide a photo printing service.

Here are the details:


Special Event on November 11th - Snap and Print Ming Chi Anniversary Photos (Located inside the exhibition venue.)

On 11/11 (Saturday), photo printing will be available from 11 AM to 5PM (each LINE account can print two photos).


Instructions for using the photo printing machine:


(1) Take a photo at a designated location in the exhibition.

(2) Scan the QR code to access the exhibition printing area.

(3) Choose a frame and print your photos with the photo printing machine.

(4) You can choose to keep the digital file or print the photos.


Looking forward to your participation!




承辦單位: 圖書館
承辦人: 何嘉彤
電話: 02-2908-9899
分機: 2293