[Health Book] "Heart Revolution: Rediscover the Code of Life" Quick Guide: Health 5+2, Open the Door to Health, Embrace a Happy Life

publish date : 2023-11-06 update date : 2024-02-20

Forward - Formosa Plastics Group, Medical Development Center - Preventive Medicine and Health Book

Dear teachers, colleagues, and students,


"Heart Revolution: Rediscover the Code of Life" Book

Emphasizes that "preventive medicine" should start from "home" and undergo a "heart" revolution.


Through the discussion of common health issues among the people,

Provide accurate and professional health principles and strategies

So that "health promotion" can be implemented in daily life.


"Starting from now", let us take the first step forward

To create a wonderful and healthy life!


Feel free to download and share the e-book "Heart Revolution: Rediscover the Code of Life."


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