【Information Security Advocacy】 IoT Security: Connecting the World, Safeguarding Information

publish date : 2023-11-30 update date : 2023-11-30

The Internet of Things (IoT) involves various physical devices and objects (such as printers, smart appliances, vehicles, etc.) connected to the internet, enabling them to communicate and share data. This allows devices to automate and intelligently perform various tasks, providing greater convenience and efficiency.

While IoT brings many conveniences, it also comes with information security concerns: lacking sufficient security measures makes it susceptible to hacker attacks, potentially leading to data breaches or device intrusions. IoT devices collect vast amounts of data, including personal information, posing a risk to privacy. Secure network communication between devices is crucial to prevent data interception or communication interference by hackers.

Ensuring the security of IoT devices can be achieved by:

  1. Purchase devices from reputable manufacturers, ensuring they have adequate security features.
  2. Regularly inspect and update the software and firmware of IoT devices to ensure the latest security patches.
  3. Use IoT devices in a secure network environment.
  4. Isolate IoT devices that cannot guarantee security from the main network.
  5. Change default passwords to highly complex ones.

Ensuring that IoT devices have proper privacy and security features involves understanding the risks associated with using the devices. If uncertain about a device's functionality, it is advisable not to use it.


Reference Source: iThome

Organizer: Computer Center