寒假閉館公告 Winter Vacation Closure Notice 2/3-2/18

發佈日期 : 2024-01-24 最後更新日期 : 2024-01-25



閉館期間圖書到期日延到2/19, 逾期罰款不計算.  警衛室有設還書箱提供還書服務.


Winter Vacation Closure Notice

  • The library (including the self-study room) will be closed for winter vacation from 2/3 (Saturday) to 2/18 (Sunday).
  • Normal opening hours will resume on 2/19 (Monday).
  • During the closure, the due date for books is extended until 2/19, and overdue fines will not be accrued. A book return box is available at the security office for returning books.
承辦單位: 圖書館