【Information Security Advocacy】Updating Software and Systems: Guarding Against Online Threats

publish date : 2024-01-31 update date : 2024-02-29


Regularly updating software and systems is a crucial step to patch security vulnerabilities, provide new software features, enhance hardware compatibility, and address system errors. Ignoring updates can leave computers vulnerable to threats and hinder the full utilization of new features and technologies. Therefore, it is recommended to frequently check for and install available updates.

We can enable automatic update features and regularly manually check for available updates, including the operating system, applications, and hardware drivers.

Recommended software and systems to regularly check for updates include:

  • Operating Systems (Windows, macOS, Linux, Chrome OS, etc.)
  • Browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, etc.)
  • Security Software (Antivirus, Firewall, etc.)
  • Office Software (Microsoft Office, LibreOffice, etc.)
  • Media Players (VLC, Windows Media Player, etc.)
  • Operating Software and Firmware (Smart devices, Internet of Things devices, etc.)

The above list includes common systems or software, and many other software and categories require regular security updates. Please do not overlook security updates as they can patch known vulnerabilities and enhance system security. Additionally, regularly back up important data to provide protection in case of issues during the update process.

Organizer: Computer Center