[Health Book] "Mind Revolution: Rediscovering the Code of Life" Health Guide: Mastering Gut Health to Ward Off the Threat of Colorectal Cancer

publish date : 2024-04-22 update date : 2024-04-22

Forward - Formosa Plastics Group, Medical Development Center - Preventive Medicine and Health Book

Dear teachers, colleagues, and students,


The prevalence of colorectal cancer has surged to become the third most common cancer globally, with Taiwan ranking first worldwide!

Stay vigilant about your health at all times, seek medical attention promptly for 7 major warning signs, and prioritize prevention for 8 major demographic groups.

Maintaining gut health starts with daily habits; early prevention and treatment are key to avoiding the threat of colorectal cancer!


The "Mind Revolution: Rediscovering the Code of Life" health guide, starting from the perspective of preventive medicine, guides you in cultivating healthy lifestyle habits to ward off the threat of diseases and achieve a healthy life! Download and share:



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