Please remind all faculty, staff, and students not to make unauthorized changes to Google Maps location names.

publish date : 2024-09-30 update date : 2024-10-11

各位師長們、同學們  大家好:

近日部份學校有GOOGLE商家名稱和GOOGLE地圖遭竄改名稱之事件;宣導各教職員生請強化對網路使用的正確觀念,提醒勿擅自竄改Google地圖地名及Google商家名稱,擅自竄改名稱會有相關法律責任(例如:刑法§309-§310、民法§184 ),提醒大家培養良好的網路使用行為,避免觸法。謝謝大家!

Dear Teachers and Students,

Recently, there have been incidents where the names of Google businesses and Google Maps locations at some schools were altered without authorization. We would like to remind all faculty, staff, and students to strengthen their understanding of proper internet usage. Please refrain from unauthorized changes to Google Maps location names, as doing so may carry legal responsibilities under criminal and civil law. Let us all cultivate responsible internet behavior to avoid any legal violations.

Thank you all for your attention!

Organizer: Library