publish date :
update date :
- 2025/1/25(六) - 2/9(日)圖書館含三樓自習室閉館不開放.
- 閉館期間之到期日延到2/10, 逾期罰款不計算.
- 2/10(一)恢復正常開放時間.
- 警衛室不再設置還書箱, 請統一到四樓電梯口投遞.
The library closure schedule for the 2025 winter break is as follows:
- The library, including the third-floor study room, will be closed from 1/25 (Sat) to 2/9 (Sun).
- The due dates during the closure period will be extended to 2/10, and no overdue fines will be charged.
- Normal operating hours will resume on 2/10 (Mon).
- The security office will no longer have a book return box. Please return books at the fourth-floor elevator entrance.