步驟 | 論文格式送圖書館審核 | 論文上傳國家圖書館 | 到圖書館繳論文(+辦離校) | 領取畢業證書(教務處) |
日程(逾時無法受理) | 2023年2月17日(星期五)前 | 2023年2月24日(星期五)前 | 2023年3月2日(星期四)前 | 2023年3月3日(星期五)起 |
Step | Submit a soft copy of thesis/dissertation to the Library to check if you follow the required format | Upload your thesis/dissertation file(s) to the National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations platform of Taiwan | Submit 2 hardbound copies of your thesis/dissertation and the signed Copyright License Agreement to the Library | Collect/mail your diploma(Office of Academic affairs) |
Date | Before February 17th | Before February 24th | Before March 2rd | From March 3th |