
6/12(三) 利用 WOS & JCR掌握研究趨勢加速論文寫作與投稿,歡迎報名

發佈日期 : 2024-05-17 最後更新日期 : 2024-06-12


為幫助全校師生研究與投稿,圖書館擬辦理「利用 WOS & JCR掌握研究趨勢加速論文寫作與投稿」活動。

內容:1. 發掘研究熱點追蹤研究趨勢、2. WOS分析報告高效掌握主題、3.整合研究資訊提升寫作效率、4.了解出版生態遠避掠奪風險、5.善用JCR指標評估合適期刊。


*WOS全名Web of Science,收錄精選期刊之引文索引、其下包含Science Citation Index Expanded(SCIE)、Social Sciences Citation Index(SSCI)、Arts & Humanities Citation Index(A&HCI)等子資料庫。JCR全名Journal Citation Reports,擷取WOS數據,產出期刊影響力等期刊評比指標。

  • 日期:6月12日(週三) PM2:00-4:00
  • 地點:圖資大樓一樓電腦教室變更為「綜合大樓二樓遠距教室」
  • 報名:請點我(要登校園入口網帳號密碼)
  • 本活動列入教師之「全校性教學提升活動」。

如有任何疑問或需要協助,請隨時與我聯繫。聯絡方式:02-2908-9899 #2282、hawkeye@mail.mcut.edu.tw


Dear students, teachers, and colleagues,

To assist faculty and students in research and submission, the library plans to organize an event titled "Mastering Research Trends and Accelerating Paper Writing and Submission Using WOS & JCR." (in Chinese)

Content includes: 1. Discovering research hotspots to track trends, 2. Efficiently mastering topics through WOS analysis reports, 3. Integrating research information to enhance writing efficiency, 4. Understanding the publishing ecosystem to avoid predatory risks, and 5. Utilizing JCR indicators to evaluate suitable journals.

For this event (in Chinese), we have invited professional instructor, who will empower the school's faculty and students through educational training, enhancing their academic research capabilities. Whether you are a student or a faculty member, you are welcome to participate.

*WOS, short for Web of Science, is a citation index that includes selected journals. It comprises sub-databases such as Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), and Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI). JCR, or Journal Citation Reports, extracts data from WOS to generate journal evaluation metrics such as journal impact factor.

  • Date: June 12 (Wed) from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
  • Location: Computer Lab, 1st floor of the Library and Information Building變更為「Distance Learning Classroom on the 2nd Floor of the Integrated Building」
  • Registration: Please click here (requires campus portal account login)
  • This event is part of the "School-Wide Teaching Enhancement Activities" for teachers.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact me at any time. Contact information: 02-2908-9899 #2282, hawkeye@mail.mcut.edu.tw.

承辦單位: 圖書館