
[試用] 國家圖書館-學位論文相似檢測輔助系統

發佈日期 : 2024-06-26 最後更新日期 : 2024-06-26





  1. 條件  :不用填申請表,只要您完成口試並通過「論文格式審核」,就能在論文上傳系統[LINK]點「論文比對生成檢測報告。
  2. 操作手冊:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ABiNf-vVZNP1-PQCTbDTQpbgIhHigESX/view
  3. 常見問題:https://wass.ncl.edu.tw/faq.html
  4. 系統客服:https://reurl.cc/qVobDD。遇到狀況請踴躍回報,協助系統優化。



  1. 只能上傳自己的學位論文。請勿上傳已發表的論文,包括學位論文、期刊論文等。系統設有阻擋機制,並會留下記錄。
  2. 請在「論文上傳」時順便生成檢測報告。「送出審核」且「審核通過」後視為「已發表的論文」,請勿上傳到檢測系統。
  3. 每人只能生成5次報告。
  4. 系統定期刪除資料,檢測報告請自行下載留存。
  5. 此系統限應屆畢業研究生試用,不提供教師與其他學生試用。


Dear Graduate Students,

To assist students in writing their theses and to provide a tool for checking the similarity of thesis content, the National Central Library, in collaboration with the NTNU team, has developed the "WriteAid Similarity Scanner." This system is now open for trial use, and there is a chance to win prizes by completing a questionnaire! We encourage you to make full use of this opportunity.

When submitting documents to your department or advisors, please continue to use the Turnitin system to generate similarity reports. This trial is solely for the National Central Library's system testing and will not be used in any graduation procedures at our university.

How to use:

  1. Eligibility: No application form is needed. Once you pass your oral defense and the "thesis format review," you can generate a similarity report by selecting "Similarity Scanner" in the thesis upload system [LINK].
  2. User Manual: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ABiNf-vVZNP1-PQCTbDTQpbgIhHigESX/view
  3. FAQ: https://wass.ncl.edu.tw/faq.html (Please click the "English" button in the top right corner for the English FAQ)
  4. System Support: https://reurl.cc/qVobDD. Please report any issues to help optimize the system.

Data Source: The system includes theses collected in the National Central Library's thesis database, including both public and non-public theses.

Trial Restrictions:

  1. Only upload the thesis that you have authored. Do not upload published papers, including theses or journal articles. The system has blocking mechanisms and will log these actions.
  2. Please generate the similarity report when uploading your thesis. Once the thesis is "submitted for review" and "approved," it is considered a "published thesis" and should not be uploaded to the detection system.
  3. Each person can generate up to 5 reports.
  4. The system regularly deletes data, so please download and save your Similarity reports.
  5. This system is limited to current graduating graduate students for trial use and is not available for use by faculty or other students.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact to the library. 

承辦單位: 圖書館
承辦人: 柯文琪
電話: 02-2908-9899
分機: 2282