Turnitin 系統故障通知 / Turnitin System Issue
目前 Turnitin 系統遭遇暫時性故障,部分使用者反映學生版帳號在點選原創性報告的百分比符號後,顯示【此文稿無法使用 Similarity 服務:處理應用程式 URL 時出現問題】錯誤訊息。
並非所有同學都會遇到這個狀況,但若您遇到且急需下載原創性報告 PDF 檔案,請按以下方式處理:
- 圖書館申請帳號:若您是跟圖書館申請 Turnitin 帳號,請在信中告知您的學號,以及檔案在哪一個上傳區。我們會代為下載原創性報告 PDF 檔給您。
- 指導老師申請帳號:若您是跟指導老師申請 Turnitin 帳號,請聯繫指導老師協助下載。
Hello to all graduate students:
The Turnitin system is currently experiencing a temporary malfunction. Some users have reported receiving the error message "This paper is unavailable for Similarity Check: an error occurred while processing the application URL" when clicking the originality report percentage symbol.
Not all students are affected, but if you encounter this issue and urgently need to download the originality report PDF, please proceed as follows:
- Library Account: If you applied for your Turnitin account through the library, please email your student ID and the upload area of the file. We will download the originality report PDF for you.
- Advisor Account: If you applied for your Turnitin account through your advisor, please contact your advisor for assistance.
We are here to support you regardless of the round you choose to complete the graduation process. If you have any questions or require assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.