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2023 Award Winning Chinese Books New Book Display(2024/6/24~2024/7/31),welcome to visit and borrow books!

publish date : 2024-06-24 update date : 2024-06-25



圖書館112學年度主題書展(8):2023得獎好書新書展 ,於今日開展,歡迎您撥冗到館借閱。

展出主題:2023得獎好書新書展,共計63冊 (詳請參閱附件清單)。

Dear teachers,  colleagues and students,

The 112th Academic Year Library Book Display(8):2023 Award Winning Chinese Books New Book Display,

It begins schedule today , we welcome you to visit the library and borrow books at your convenience.

Book Display Theme:2023 Award Winning Chinese Books New Book ,total 63 items (Please refer to the attachments of this email)
Book Display Dates:2024/6/24~2024/7/31
Book Display Location:Library 4th Floor Book Display Area 


Organizer: Library
Contact Person: 林品君
Phone: 02-2908-9899
Extension: 2294
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