Site Map
1-1 . Service Time
1-2 . Contacts
1-3 . Members
1-4 . Library Floorplan
1-5 . Regulations
1-5-1 . Information Security Policy
1-5-2 . A270010011_資訊委員會設置辦法/Regulations for the Establishment of the Information Committee(Revised on June, 2022)
1-5-3 . A270020008_圖書委員會設置辦法/Regulations for the Establishment of the Library Committee(Revised on Dec., 2020)
1-5-4 . A270030011_保護智慧財產權宣導及執行委員會設置辦法(Revised on June, 2022)
1-5-5 . A271010023_圖書館管理作業規範/Work Specification for Library Management System(Revised on Mar., 2024)
1-5-6 . A271020008_重大活動影像資料蒐集作業要點/Key Points for the Collection of Video Data from Major Events(Revised on Sep. 24, 2024)
1-5-7 . A271030012_校園網頁暨社群媒體平台管理辦法/Campus Webpage and Social Media Platform Management Regulations(Revised on Nov., 2022)
1-5-8 . A271040006_學位論文(專業實務報告)格式規範/Regulations for the Format of Degree Theses (Professional Practice Reports)(Revised on Apr., 2022)
1-5-9 . A271050006_校園網頁暨社群媒體競賽活動辦法/Regulations Governing the Campus Website and Social Media Contests(Revised on June 11, 2024)
1-5-10 . A271060005_校園網頁督導委員會設置辦法/Regulations for the Establishment of the Campus Website Supervision Committee(Revised on Dec. 20, 2022)
1-5-11 . A271070001_多媒體數位看板管理辦法/Regulations for the Management of Multimedia Digital Bulletin Boards(Revised on Mar.., 2020)
1-5-12 . A271080001_SDGs永續電子報平台管理辦法/Regulations Governing the Management of SDGs E-paper Platform(Formulated on December 26, 2023)
1-5-13 . A273010011_校園網路使用規範/Campus Network User Directions(Revised on Oct.31, 2023)
1-5-14 . A273020009_學生宿舍學術網路使用及管理辦法/Guidelines for Student Dormitory Academic Network Use and Management(Revised on Oct.31, 2023)
1-5-15 . A273050004_教職員工電子郵件帳號管理要點(2019年1月修訂)
1-5-16 . A273040008_校園伺服器管理辦法(2019年1月修訂)
1-5-17 . A273060005_學生電子郵件帳號管理要點(2017年8月修訂)
1-5-18 . A273070004_校園網路智慧財產權疑似侵權處理程序(2019年1月修訂)
1-5-19 . A273080004_教職員宿舍網路管理辦法(2019年1月修訂)
1-5-20 . A273090003_公務電腦及可攜式媒體使用規範/Regulations Governing the Use of Official Computers and Portable Media(Revised on Oct.31, 2023)
1-5-21 . A273100006_校園資訊設備及軟體維護作業規範(2022年5月修訂)
1-5-22 . A274030006_校務行政資訊系統開發作業規範(2023年04月修訂)
1-5-23 . A274090001_智慧助理平台管理辦法(2019年6月新訂)
1-6 . LIS. NEWS
1-6-1 . LIS. Press Releases
1-6-2 . LIS. E-paper
1-6-3 . LIS. Results of the Activity
1-7 . Library Resource Statistics
1-8 . Evaluation and Accreditation
1-9 . Bilingual Glossary
1-10 . A frequently asked questions (FAQ)
1-10-1 . Library(Q&A)
1-10-2 . All questions
1-10-3 . Computer center -the Network Management Section
1-10-4 . Computer center -the Software Development Section
1-11 . The organizing committee, website, and social media.
2 . Activity Information
2-1 . Library Tour
2-1-1 . Orientation Camp for Freshmen of the 112th Academic Year
2-1-2 . Orientation Camp for Freshmen of the 111th Academic Year
2-1-3 . Library Tour Outcomes for the 104th to 110th Academic Years
2-2 . Theme Book Exhibition
2-3 . Resource Utilization Education
2-4 . Seminar on School History Exploration
2-5 . Promote ODF as the standard document format
2-6 . Professional IT Education and Training
2-7 . Campus Information System Education and Training
2-8 . E-portfolio
2-9 . The Campus Website and Social Media Contest
2-10 . Social media education training
2-11 . The Campus Website Educational Training
2-12 . Geological Environmental Education
2-13 . Accessible Web Page Announcements
2-14 . Procurement Information Announcement from the Office of Library and Information Services
2-15 . Other activities
3 . Circulation Services
3-1 . Library Catelog Search and Personal records
3-2 . Circulation Policies
3-3 . Books Suggestion
3-4 . Interlibrary Loan Service
3-5 . New Arrivals: Journal, Book and DVD
3-6 . Second-hand Book Exchange Platform
4 . Research Support
4-1 . Databases
4-2 . E-Books
4-3 . E-Thesis
4-4 . Graduate Students Graduation Area
4-5 . Ming Chi University Journal: Submission and Downloads
4-6 . Past exam questions
4-7 . Audio-Visual Broadcasting Network (Database)
4-8 . E-Journals
4-9 . Interlibrary Document Copying (Interlibrary Cooperation)
4-10 . Fee Database Trials & Database Maintenance
4-11 . iMedical Health Network e-books
4-12 . E-paper
4-12-1 . SDGs E-paper
4-12-2 . Ming Chi E-paper
5 . Systems and Software
5-1 . Authorized Software
5-2 . Campus Antivirus Software
5-3 . Campus Information Portal
5-4 . Mcut Portal App(iMC)
5-5 . MCUT Chatbot
5-6 . Office365 (include e-mail service)
5-7 . Remote Connections Application Services (NOTES / ERP)
5-8 . Activity Management System
5-9 . Conference Management System
5-10 . EverCam
5-11 . Campus Webpage Management Platform (Rpage)
5-12 . Official University-Wide Social Media Platform
5-13 . Synchronous Video Teaching and Conference System (Teams)
5-14 . Official Image Database
5-15 . SDGs E-paper Platform
5-16 . Campus Information System User Manual
5-17 . Digital Learning
6 . Campus network
6-1 . Introduction to Campus Network
6-2 . Campus Network Maintenance Notice
6-3 . Internal Network (Student Dormitories)
6-4 . Internal Network (Faculty and Staff Dormitories)
6-5 . Dormitory Network
6-6 . Domain Name Service(DNS)
6-7 . Proxy Server
6-8 . Network Traffic Inquiry
6-9 . VPN (Virtual Private Network) Service
6-10 . Network Blocking List
6-11 . Wireless Network.
6-12 . TANet Wireless Network Roaming and eduroam Education Roaming
7 . Facilities
7-1 . Library and Information Building Conference Rooms
7-2 . Photocopying
7-3 . Library:Reading Area
7-4 . Library:School History Room
7-5 . Computer Classroom and Distance Learning Classroom
7-6 . Electronic Meeting Service
7-7 . Information podium
7-8 . Digital Signage
7-9 . Library:Desktop Computers
7-10 . Library:Study Room
7-11 . Library:Group Discussion Rooms
7-12 . Library:Group Viewing Rooms
7-13 . Library:PS4&PSVR
7-14 . Library:UV Sterilization Machine
8 . Form Download
9 . demassification
9-1 . Current Students
9-2 . Faculty & Staff
9-3 . General public
9-4 . Graduated alumni and retired faculty members
10 . Q&A
11 . Reader Service
12 . Information Security
12-1 . Information Security /Intellectual Property Training
12-2 . Information Security Advocacy
12-3 . Intellectual Property Advocacy
12-4 . Vulnerability Alert
12-5 . Related Websites in Information Security
12-6 . Information Security Laws and Regulations
12-7 . Information Security Management System
12-8 . Email Social Engineering
12-8-1 . Email Social Engineering Defense
12-8-2 . Previous Ministry of Education Email Social Engineering Drill