About us

Welcome to the Office of Library and Information Services. Ming Chi became “Ming Chi Institute of Technology” in 1999 and again was promoted into “Ming Chi University of Technology” in 2004. The old Computer Center and the Library were then merged and their functions combined to create the Office of Library & Information Services (LIS). Currently, the LIS consists of four units, including: Division of Book Management, Division of Reference and Circulation, Division of Software Development, and Division of Network Management. The later two divisions belong to the Computer Center.
Office Affairs
- Build, manage and maintain the internet backbone of the campus; operate and maintain computer server rooms; support and maintain the administrative system for the Computer Center;
- Create and manage email accounts for students and teachers;
- Annually purchase and sign contracts for Microsoft Software Licenses;
- Purchase software packages and relevant maintenance services;
- Maintenance and management of the mainframe of MCUT administrative information system;promote information applications
- Offer e-training workshops to the faculty and staff;
- Provide reference and circulation services;
- Information retrieval of the library electronic resources and inter-library loan;
Library (Open hours):Monday to Friday: 8 AM - 9:30 PM、Saturday: 9 AM - 4 PM
Computer Center (Closed during lunch hours):Monday to Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM
Computer Center (Closed during lunch hours):Monday to Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM
The library is located on the 4th floor of the Book and Information Building.
The Computer Center is located on the 5th floor of the Book and Information Building.
The Computer Center is located on the 5th floor of the Book and Information Building.
Library and Information Staff:Extensions、E-mail、Job Responsibilities、Deputies
Service Layout by Floor in the Library
Regulations Established by the Library and Information Office
Press Releases, Newsletters, and Activity Outcomes of the Library and Information Office
Library Resource Information Disclosure
Accreditations and Certifications Obtained by the Office of Library and Information Services.
English-Chinese Glossary of Common Terms Used by the Office of Library and Information Services
The maintenance of information on the school homepage, school-level Facebook, school-level Instagram, and school-level YouTube is handled by the Information Services Department. For inquiries related to business matters or information, please contact the respective units within the entire school.