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Ming Chi University Journal: Submission and Downloads

Journal Format

Download the "Ming Chi University Journal Paper Format Instructions .odt, size 25.3kb."

Call for Papers

This journal is open for submissions throughout the year and primarily publishes academic papers, research results, and design creations related to engineering science, management science, design science, general education, and indigenous education, both from within and outside the university. Literature reviews are supplementary. We encourage active submissions from all fields.

Submission Guidelines

To encourage academic research and enhance the academic standards in the fields of technical and vocational education, Ming Chi University publishes the "Ming Chi University Journal" (hereinafter referred to as "the Journal") to provide opportunities for research publication.

The Journal accepts submissions year-round and focuses on academic papers, research results, and design creations related to engineering science, management science, design science, general education, and indigenous education from both within and outside the university. Literature reviews are supplementary.

Submissions should be in either Chinese or English and should not exceed 20,000 words.

Manuscripts should be typed in Microsoft Office Word and emailed to the service window. Please format the paper according to the "Ming Chi University Journal Paper Format Instructions."

The Journal follows a rolling review system, and articles will be published only after being reviewed and approved by the editorial committee. Authors are responsible for proofreading and content accuracy. Copyright remains with the authors after publication.

Upon publication, the Journal will provide the authors with a copy of the journal and a print copy of the issue, but no additional remuneration will be provided.

The Journal does not accept previously published papers, and submissions should not be sent to other publications.

Please send submissions to: (243303) 84 Gongzhuan Road, Taishan District, New Taipei City, Ming Chi University of Technology, Office of Library and Information Services.

Service Contact

Name: Mr. Nong-Wei Lin
Phone: (02)2908-9899, Ext. 2283
Fax: (02)2908-4513
Email: linn@mail.mcut.edu.tw

Full Text Download

You can download the full text of the Ming Chi University Journal from this website or access it through the "National Central Library - Journal Literature Information Network."

Ming Chi University Journal: https://pse.is/4wb725
Ming Chi Technical College Journal: https://pse.is/4wfujp
Ming Chi Engineering College Journal: https://pse.is/4vb2ds