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Library:Group Discussion Rooms

  • 服務對象:在校學生、教職員工、校友、退休教職員。
  • 設置位置:圖書館5樓與6樓。
  • 開放時段:同圖書館開放時間。
  • 使用人數:3~12人。共3間團體討論室,1間供3~6人使用、2間供3~12人使用。
  • 內部設備:白板、資訊講桌、投影機
  • 使用方式:
    • 紙本登記:至圖書館4樓櫃台填寫紙本登記/預約單。得於借用1週前預約。
    • 使用時數:一次最多登記四4個小時,使用時間結束1小時前若無其他人預約登記,得續借團體討論室。
    • 辦理借用:預約時段前10分鐘起,得憑證(學生證、服務證、身份證、駕照、健保卡、明志運動會員證)至流通櫃台辦理借用並領取鑰匙。
    • 遲到保留:超過預約時段半小時仍未至流通櫃台辦理借用者,將取消其預約時段並開放其他人使用。
    • 到場人數:辦理借用時請注意到場人數,團體討論室到達3人以上方受理借用。
    • 場地收回:使用期間內有達連續一小時未在現場使用者,圖書館得提前收回團體討論室並提供其他讀者使用。收回團體討論室時,使用者若未將個人物品攜回,本館得將該室物品取出集中保管。取出之物品,經在圖書館公告後一個月內如未認領者,則由本館全權處理,使用者不得提出異議。


  • Service Object: Current students, faculty and staff, alumni, retired faculty and staff.
  • Location: 5th and 6th floors of the library.
  • Opening Hours: Same as the library's opening hours.
  • Number of Users: 3-12 people. There are 3 group discussion rooms, 1 for 3-6 people and 2 for 3-12 people.
  • Internal Equipment: Whiteboard, information desk, projector.
  • Usage:
    • Paper Registration: Fill out a paper registration/reservation form at the 4th floor counter of the library. Reservations can be made up to one week in advance.
    • Usage Time: A maximum of four hours can be registered at one time. If there are no other reservations before the end of the usage time, the group discussion room can be extended.
    • Borrowing: 10 minutes before the reserved time slot, you can bring your ID (student ID, service card, ID card, driver's license, national health insurance card, Ming Chuan sports member card) to the circulation counter to borrow the key.
    • Late Arrival Reservation: If you have not arrived at the circulation counter to borrow the key within half an hour of the reserved time slot, your reservation will be cancelled and opened up for others to use.
    • Number of Attendees: Please pay attention to the number of attendees when borrowing. Group discussion rooms are available for borrowing when there are at least 3 people present.
    • Venue Retrieval: If there is no one in the room for a continuous hour during the usage period, the library may retrieve the group discussion room in advance and provide it for other readers to use. When retrieving the group discussion room, if the user has not taken their personal belongings with them, the library may take out and store the items centrally. If unclaimed within one month after being announced in the library, the library may dispose of the items at its discretion and the user may not raise objections.
    • In accordance with epidemic prevention regulations, research cubicles, group discussion rooms, audiovisual centers and other venues will resume operations with reduced capacity starting today.