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The 2024 Campus Website and Social Media Competition:Competition Introduction

publish date : 2024-07-10 update date : 2024-07-10

一、 Objectives:To urge various academic and administrative units to continuously maintain the quality of their website and social media content, and to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of website and social media information, in order to facilitate the acquisition of relevant information by faculty, staff, students, and outsiders. We plan to hold the 113th Campus Website and Social Media Competition.

二、 Organizer:Secretary

三、 Co-organizer:Office of Library and Information Services -  Library

四、 Participating Units: A total of 21 websites from administrative units will be divided into three sessions for the "Webpage Report and Evaluation Meeting." Special zone websites will be included in the popularity voting.

五、  Competition schedule:

進行順序/Order of proceedings 活動內容/Event content 時程規劃/Schedule Planning 備註/Remarks
1 競賽說明會議/Competition Briefing Meeting 113年07月11日(四) 線上辦理,參賽單位請務必指派人員參加。說明請點我/
2 網頁報告與講評會議/Webpage Report and Evaluation Meeting 113年08月12日(二)至113年08月13日(三) 採實體教室進行-圖資一樓電腦教室,參賽單位請務必指派人員參加。說明請點我/
3 講評會議後網頁審查/Post-Evaluation Meeting Webpage Review 113年08月26日(一)至113年09月06日(五) 說明請點我/
4 社群媒體加分項目審查/Social Media Bonus Item Review 113年08月26日(一)至113年09月06日(五) 說明請點我/
5 網站人氣投票與社群媒體人氣投票/ 113年09月16日(一)至113年10月01日(二) 網路投票,說明請點我/
6 公告競賽成績並頒發獎勵金與獎狀/ 113年10月行政會議 113年10月行政會議/
7 後續追蹤/ 113年10月~114年03月31日 113年10月公佈獲獎名單後,提供「應改善項目」與「得精進項目」給各參賽單位,參賽單位於114年3月31日前回覆「應改善項目」。/

六、Rewards: The winning results will be announced on the school homepage and publicly recognized during the administrative meeting. The awards are as follows:

獎項/Awards 數量與獎勵/Incentives 評比標準/Assessment Criteria
校園網頁第一名/First Place in Campus Webpage 1名,頒發獎狀乙紙及獎勵金4,000元/1 recipient, awarded a certificate and a prize of 4,000 NTD. 「網頁報告與講評會議」、「講評會議後網頁審查」及「社群媒體加分項目審查」得分加總/Total score from "Webpage Report and Evaluation Meeting," "Post-Evaluation Meeting Webpage Review," and "Social Media Bonus Item Review."
校園網頁第二名/Second Place in Campus Webpage 1名,頒發獎狀乙紙及獎勵金2,000元/1 recipient, awarded a certificate and a prize of 2,000 NTD. 「網頁報告與講評會議」、「講評會議後網頁審查」及「社群媒體加分項目審查」得分加總/Total score from "Webpage Report and Evaluation Meeting," "Post-Evaluation Meeting Webpage Review," and "Social Media Bonus Item Review."
校園網頁第三名/Third Place in Campus Webpage 1名,頒發獎狀乙紙及獎勵金1,000元/1 recipient, awarded a certificate and a prize of 1,000 NTD. 「網頁報告與講評會議」、「講評會議後網頁審查」及「社群媒體加分項目審查」得分加總/Total score from "Webpage Report and Evaluation Meeting," "Post-Evaluation Meeting Webpage Review," and "Social Media Bonus Item Review."
校園網頁佳作/Honorable Mention in Campus Webpage 2名,各頒發獎狀乙紙及獎勵金500元/2 recipients, each awarded a certificate and a prize of 500 NTD. 「網頁報告與講評會議」、「講評會議後網頁審查」及「社群媒體加分項目審查」得分加總/Total score from "Webpage Report and Evaluation Meeting," "Post-Evaluation Meeting Webpage Review," and "Social Media Bonus Item Review."
校園網頁人氣王/Campus Webpage Popularity Award 3名,每名頒發獎勵金500元/3 recipients, each awarded a prize of 500 NTD. 網路票選得票數/Based on online voting results.
社群媒體人氣王/Social Media Popularity Award 3名,每名頒發獎勵金500元/3 recipients, each awarded a prize of 500 NTD. 網路票選得票數/Based on online voting results.
專區網頁人氣王/Special Zone Webpage Popularity Award 2名,每名頒發獎勵金500元/2 recipients, each awarded a prize of 500 NTD. 網路票選得票數/Based on online voting results.
參與人氣投票者/Participants in Popularity Voting 5名,每名頒發獎勵金200元/5 recipients, each awarded a prize of 200 NTD. 軟體隨機抽樣/Selected randomly by software.

七、 Points to Note:

  • 競賽網頁建置應使用本校校園網頁平台。/Participating websites shall be built on the University’s web platform.
  • 各網站與社群媒體管理人員,日後須負起網站與社群媒體之更新維護與回答單位業務問題之工作。/Administrators of participating websites and social media shall be responsible for updating and maintaining the websites and social media, as well as answering questions regarding the unit’s operations.
  • 圖書館將協助提供網頁與社群媒體技術諮詢,並於正式比賽日起擇日舉行講習會。/The Library will provide technical consultation on websites and social media, and will hold workshops on selected days from the official contest date.
  • 所有網頁與社群媒體素材應遵守智慧財產權相關法律規定,若違反智慧財產權者將被取消資格、追回所有獎項,如涉及違法,自行負責。/All website and social media materials shall comply with the laws and regulations related to intellectual property rights. Any violation of intellectual property rights. Any violation of intellectual property rights shall result in disqualification and retraction of all prizes, and participants shall be responsible for any violations thereof.
  • 網頁與社群媒體內容須注意符合個人資料保護法,勿將個人資料置於公開之網頁。/Website and social media content shall comply with the Personal Data Protection Act and no personal information shall be placed on public web pages.
  • 網頁無障礙網頁之設計標準參考:國家通訊傳播委員會無障礙網路空間服務網。/For the design standard of the accessible web page, it should be referred to the Web Space Accessibility Service Website of the National Communications Commission.
  • 未善盡網頁更新職責之單位,其名單將陳報學校參考。/The list of units that fail to fulfill their responsibilities in updating their websites will be reported to the University for reference.
  • 參與校園網頁和社群媒體平台所屬活動競賽之參賽作品、投稿作品,本校得以運用於所屬校園網頁與社群媒體平台;參與活動競賽之參賽作品須為本人之創作,且不應侵害他人著作權。/The University reserves the right to utilize the entries and submissions to the campus website and social media contest on its own website and social media platforms. Entries for the contest must be original creations and shall not infringe upon the copyrights of others.



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